Sunday, 8 December 2013

Reflection upon Assignment 1

Now i have finished my first assessment piece i can reflect back on the work i have done and compare it to the assessment criteria points to see how well i think i have done, and what i can improve upon. To get a feel of what level i personally feel i am working upon, and where i want to be/ feel i can push myself.

Demonstration of technical and visual skills
- Materials, techniques, observational skills, visual awareness, design and compositional skills.

Upon taking a photograph, I feel i am quite visually aware. I try to always think of the composition of a photograph before i take to ensure the photograph is the best it can be, and convey whatever connotations i am trying to portray. I always try to think when looking at a subject 'will this make a good photograph?' 'what do i need to do to make this photograph the best it can be?' whether that be the subject itself, lighting, colours, positioning of the subject, positioning of my camera, depth of field, shutter speed etc.
I feel like the further i am getting through this course, the more i seem to look a things from an artistic point of view, eve when i do not have my camera on me, i am constantly looking at the composition of my surrounding and imaging what that would look like as a image. I have tried to note my thought process for each photograph i have taken, explaining why i have chosen the subject, and framed it the way i have.

Quality of outcome
- Content, application of knowledge, presentation of work in a coherent manner, discernment, conceptualisation of thoughts, communication of ideas

I have tried to apply all the knowledge and skills i have learned to each piece of work i do. When using different techniques i have tried to explain why i have done that, and the effect it will have on the photograph. Although i could probably do this more and perhaps in more detail.
I have tried to explain my thought process for each task i have done, i have tried to explain my initial ideas and the process in getting from that to my my final images. I feel i have done this quite well.

Demonstration of creativity
- Imagination, experimentation,invention, development of a personal voice

As a person, i am very creative and imaginative, and will always try to get this across in every piece of work i do. I like to try and think outside the box, do something a different and unusual and not follow the crowd.
I have experimented with different subjects, and different techniques using my camera and have tried to be creative where possible.
Maybe as this is my first assignment, i have subconsciously played it safe but as time goes on, i will push myself to be more inventive/creative.
As this is only the first assignment, i am only just beginning to find my voice within this subject and will always continue to explore different choices and try to refine my work as an artist. Hopefully as this course goes on myself, my tutor and anybody else who views my work will get a feel of my artistic direction, and who i am as an artist/photographer.

- reflection, research, critical thinking
I am ashamed to say, i have not done much research whilst doing this assignment, this something i definitely need to and will do more of i the future and documentig this in my learning log as proof of research is something i need to do better to.
I have done some brief reflection on the image i have taken in some of the tasks i have done. I feel i have reflected well and used this as learning tool to see what i need to do next, and get a sense of what level i am working on. Although i could probably do this in more detail perhaps for every task that i do.
I'd like to think i am very clear thinking and rational and logical i doing so. I have tried to be as clear and as detailed as i can if everything i have done and self assessed my work as i have gone along.

I feel i have demonstrated my skills well, and have a good quality of outcome. I am pretty sure i have expressed my creativity well, although this can always be improved. I would say i am happy with my level of content although this too could be improved. I feel i have done well overall so far, but i am eager to get feedback to get a true sense of where i am. As this is only my first assignment, i do know what is expected of me, but i can not be 100% sure if i am at the level i need to be yet without proper feedback.

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