I first took a photograph from above, looking directly down onto the CD, capturing my reflection too.
I then took another photograph, exactly the same but introduced a light and took two exposures
I then created a cone out of tracing paper, as stated, the top wrapped around my camera lens and the bottom around the CD.
I took a photograph without a light, the CD appeared very matte, and the reflection of my camera dulled to shadows, almost gone.
I then introduced a light again, level with the surface the CD was on, from the side. Still fairly matte in appearance. There is a line of line across the CD, perhaps there was a slight gap at the bottom of the cone, as this does not appear on any other 'coned' photographs.
Side lighting again, but from a high angle. Perhaps the best shot of the CD i have taken in terms of losing the reflection of my camera. The lighting from a high angle means its further away from the tracing paper, and not as strong, resulting in this effect.
Lit from above again, but with a different exposure. The orangey glow has been lost and so has some of the shine however the reflection is a lot more visible.
Another low lit exposure from the side but this time the light was quite close to the tracing and not surface level, a bit higher this time. This is my favourite exposure . I like the strip of light across the CD, and the colours in the photograph even though they are quite harsh.
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