Friday, 18 July 2014

Exercise: Shiny Surfaces

For this exercise, i had to find a shiny object that was shiny enough to see my reflection in. I would be using tracing paper to form a cone around the object, and so i wanted something that was quite small and a bit more original than a kettle/ toaster. I decided to use the back of a CD.
I first took a photograph from above, looking directly down onto the CD, capturing my reflection too.

I then took another photograph, exactly the same but introduced a light and took two exposures

I then created a cone out of tracing paper, as stated, the top wrapped around my camera lens and the bottom around the CD.
I took a photograph without a light, the CD appeared very matte, and the reflection of my camera dulled to shadows, almost gone.

 I then introduced a light again, level with the surface the CD was on, from the side. Still fairly matte in appearance. There is a line of line across the CD, perhaps there was a slight gap at the bottom of the cone, as this does not appear on any other 'coned' photographs.

Side lighting again, but from a high angle. Perhaps the best shot of the CD i have taken in terms of losing the reflection of my camera. The lighting from a high angle means its further away from the tracing paper, and not as strong, resulting in this effect.

 The CD lit from above the camera, this has given the CD an orangey glow, and again the reflection is quite apparent.

Lit from above again, but with a different exposure. The orangey glow has been lost and so has some of the shine however the reflection is a lot more visible.

Another low lit exposure from the side but this time the light was quite close to the tracing and not surface level, a bit higher this time. This is my favourite exposure . I like the strip of light across the CD, and the colours in the photograph even though they are quite harsh.

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