Friday, 18 July 2014

Assignment 4 Applying Lighting Techniques

For this assignment, i had draw the different lighting techniques i have learned, and apply them to a subject , showing shape, form, colour and texture.

I used a blue background here, a contrasting colour, the make the subject stand out more.  I lit the subject from above, the top of the subject is lit, and quite light in colour , the middle of the subject a slightly darker orange, and the bottom, not really getting any light, is darker again and shadowy, creating form and making this object look more 3 dimensional. 

I changed the background here to something white so a shadow would be more visible. 3 dimensional objects can always cast a shadow, and this is a good way of make making an object look more so. By casting a shadow. I lighted the subject from the side, but from quite a high angle, highlighting the top right of the orange. The direction of light and the highlights and shadows created by it make the subject look more 3 dimensional.
I tried this shot with and without a diffuser so there was still a shadow, which was the main aim i was looking for, but the lighting wouldn't be so harsh on the orange. However it made the orange look a bit flat and dull, even though there was still a shadow. So i settled for this picture, without a diffuser.

To create shape here, i wanted the orange to be quite bright in colour so the shape would stand out. I didn't really want to cast a shadow or have any bursts of light. I wanted it to be as plain and simple as possible so attention would be drawn to the shape only. I used a diffuser over the light so the lighting would be softer and so the effect i wanted would be a lot easier to create. I also when taking this picture under exposed to by an f-stop or two,  to help make the light more subtle and smoother again.

I used a contrasting background again here to make the subject stand out and the shape a lot more visible.  The subject was lit from above just to make it look slightly more spherical by the light hitting the top and spreading round the sides ever so slightly. I used a diffuser just to make the light a little more softer and subtle as i didn't want too much attention just to be drawn to the top of the subject, but the subject as a whole.I tried to experiment with backlighting as i really wanted a photograph with just the entire outline of the subject lit up, almost like an eclipse, however i did not have a light available that was big or strong enough to create this effect.


Here i took a close up of the surface of the orange so the colour would take up the entire frame, and your focus would not be taken or lost anywhere else. I used a diffuser over the light to keep it looking quite matte, and the same colour/shade all over.
The subject is against a contrasting background to make it more obvious, and to make it pop. Its lit brightly from above, the light quite close to the subject to make the colour look more dramatic.


This end of the fruit had the most texture, and so i wanted this to be my main focus.  I lit the subject diagonally from above, facing the front of the subject. The the light would hit all the bumps and grooves within the fruit. Making it look more textured.

I then took a photograph close up so the texture could be seen in a lot more detail. The subject was lit from the front to make the textures more visible again, and also so my camera would not create a shadow.

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